Unit 10 Abnormal Psychologymr Volkmar's Course Pages

AP Psychology Resources
  • Unit 14 Social Psychology
Unit 10 Test Retakes must be completed by Thursday, February 20th
HW Due Friday, February 28th:
  • Unit 8A & 8B Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1-7, 9-11 Vocab, too
  • Unit 8A & 8B Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1-7, 9-11 review questions, too

HW Due Thursday, February 20th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 8B.1 p366-376

In Class Tuesday, February 18th - Unit 8A.3 Sexual Motivation & The Need to Belong:
  • Unit 8A.3 Harkness Table research activity on assigned teams
  • If students have questions: Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 8A.3
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Tuesday February 18th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 8A.3 p352-end

In Class Friday, February 14th - Unit 8A.2 Obesity & Sexual Motivation:
  • Social & psychological effects of obesity video & discussion
  • Problems with weight loss and gaining back videos & discussion
  • Unit 8A.2 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 8A.2
  • Sexual Motivation sections of Unit 8A.2 Activities in assigned gender groups
  • Unit 8A.2 Discussion questions, open-discussion in assigned gender groups
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Friday, February 14th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 8A.2 p340-352

In Class Wednesday, February 12th - Unit 8A.1 Motivation Concepts, Hunger:
  • Unit 8A.1 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 8A.1
  • Unit 8A.1 Discussion questions, open-discussion on teams

HW Due Wednesday, February 12th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 8A.1 p327-339

In Class Monday, February 10th - Unit 10 Test:
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms Song
  • Share My Mixed Media Personality Projects with assigned friends, demonstrate genuineness, acceptance, and empathy with partners when sharing
  • Reminder of our FRQ Tips
  • Take the Unit 10 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 10 Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback
  • Intro to Unit 8A Motivation - read letters to future AP Psych students from old students, reflect on their writing
  • Intro to Unit 8A Motivation - 127 Hours movie trailer & discussion

HW Due Monday, February 10th:
  • Unit 10 My Mixed Media Personality Project (only 1 per category)
  • Unit 10 Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1-7, 9, & 11 Vocab, too
  • Unit 10 Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1-7, 9 & 11 review questions, too

In Class Thursday, February 6th - Social-Cognitive Theory & the Self:
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song
  • Rationalization video & discussion
  • Reaction Formation video & discussion
  • Defense Mechanisms skits, assigned pairs, pairs perform for each other, inside-outside circle rotation
  • Unit 10.3 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 10.3
  • Unit 10 My Mixed Media Personality Project directions
  • Closure: Consult with teacher and discuss your project ideas
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song

HW Due Thursday, February 6th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 10.3 p503-end

In Class Tuesday, February 4th:
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song
  • Quiz
  • Draw a Pig Personality Test, give drawing to partner, interpret results for partner, explain to each other, discuss results
  • Unit 10.2 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 10.2
  • Ideal vs. actual self humanistic theory questionnaire and discussion
  • Exit Slip
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song

HW Due Tuesday, February 4th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 10.2 p490-502

In Class Thursday, January 23rd:
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song
  • Free association with volunteer, discuss and analyze results
  • Unit 10.1 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 10.1
  • Unit 10.1 Defense Mechanisms review practice worksheet
  • Rorschach Inkblot Tests demo & discussion
  • Dagnabbit Defense Mechanisms song

HW Due Thursday, January 23rd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 10.1 p479-490

In Class Tuesday, January 21st - Unit 7B & 11 Test:
  • Reminder of our FRQ Tips
  • Take the Unit 7B & 11 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 7B & 11 Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback

HW Due Tuesday, January 21st:
  • Unit 7B & 11 Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1-7A & 9 Vocab, too
  • Unit 7B & 11 Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1-7A & 9 review questions, too

In Class Friday, January 17th - Unit 11.3 Genetic & Environmental Influences on Education:
  • Genetic & Environmental Influences on Education statement on paper / trashcan metaphor demo & discussion with people that had opposite statements
  • Unit 11.3 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 11.3
  • Cover remaining material from Unit 7B & 11 activity packets we didn't have time to cover from previous classes to help prepare for the exam:
    • ​Unit 7B.1 #12-14
    • Unit 7B.2 #9
    • Unit 11.1 #13-19

HW Due Friday, January 17th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 11.3 p544-end

In Class Wednesday, January 15th - Unit 11.2 Assessing Intelligence:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 11.2 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 11.2
  • Reliability vs. Validity practice questions

HW Due Wednesday, January 15th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 11.2 p532-544

In Class Monday, January 13th - Unit 11.1 Intelligence:
  • Unit 11.1 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 11.1
  • Discuss people we placed into Gardner's Multiple Intelligences categories
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Monday, January 13th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 11.1 p523-532

In Class Thursday, January 9th - Unit 7B.3 Language, Thinking & Language:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 7B.3 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7B.3
  • Language development stages/milestones videos & discussion
  • Genie the Wild Child (critical period) video & discussion

HW Due Thursday, January 9th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7B.3 p313-end

In Class Tuesday, January 7th - Unit 7B.2 Making Decisions & Forming Judgements:
  • Unit 7B.2 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7B.2
  • Framing Effect survey, discuss results
  • Find Someone Who: solve problems at end of this activity packet
  • Exit Slip: Check progress on problem solving on last page of activity packet

HW Due Tuesday, January 7th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7B.2 p303-312

In Class Friday, December 13th - Unit 7B.1 Concepts & Problem Solving:
  • Midterm Exam results
  • Quiz
  • Unit 7B.1 Activities
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7B.1
  • Intro to cognition, problem solving, creativity: list as many uses for the paper clip free-write & discussion
  • Concepts vs. prototypes triangle demo & discussion
  • Heuristics vs. algorithms demos & discussion

HW Due Friday, December 13th:
  • Guest Speaker Reflection paper (use rubric, must print out before class)
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7B.1 p298-303

In Class Wednesday, December 11th - Guest Speaker:
  • Get out our questions for guest speaker and rubric
  • Listen to guest speaker's presentation, take notes on presentation
  • Open Q&A for guest speaker

HW Due Wednesday, December 11th:
  • Bring back questions for guest speaker
  • Bring back rubric for guest speaker reflection

In Class Monday, December 9th - Semester 1 Midterm Exam:
  • Reminder of our FRQ Tips
  • Take the Midterm Exam
  • Check completion of Unit 7A Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback
  • Check completion of questions for our school counselor guest speaker, give individual feedback

HW Due Monday, December 9th:
  • Hand write minimum 3 (no maximum) questions for our school counselor guest speaker
    • Questions must somehow be connected to content of our class
  • Outrageous Celebrity Review Activity (use p11 in book to guide you)
  • Unit 1-7A & Unit 9 Vocab in a box
  • Midterm Exam over Units 1-7A & Unit 9

In Class Thursday, December 5th - Unit 7A & Semester 1 Review:
  • Discuss our guest speaker, expectations for the event, expectations for the questions we must prepare beforehand and how to connect those questions to our class content
  • Finish Unit 7A Activity packets
  • Brain Parts Song
  • Label parts & functions of brain Rally Coach
  • Label parts & functions of neuron Rally Coach
  • Complete a few rounds of Quiz Quiz Trade note card review game. Teams assigned specific units, each student chooses vocab, no repeats, write names on cards, then do Quiz Quiz Trade. Return back, choose new rounds of cards, repeat same steps.
  • Outrageous Celebrity assignment directions

HW Due Thursday, December 5th:
  • Unit 1-7A & Unit 9 Vocab in a box
  • All Unit 7A Activity Packets completed

In Class Tuesday, December 3rd - Unit 7A.4 Memory Construction:
  • iPhone keyboard demo - implicit vs. explicit memory, recall, encoding vs. retreival failure, context cues, etc, discussion
  • Unit 7A.4 Memory Construction Telephone Game / Rumor Chain demo and Quiz
  • Unit 7A.4 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7A.4
  • False eyewitness testimony video and discussion

HW Due Tuesday, December 3rd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7A.4 285-end

In Class Wednesday, November 27th - Unit 7A.3 Retrieval & Forgetting:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 7A.3 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7A.3
  • Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs Recall vs. Recognition demo
  • ​Total Recall Jill Price (AJ) memory video & discussion
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Wednesday, November 27th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7A.3 p274-284

In Class Monday, November 25th - Unit 7A.2 Storage, Retaining Information:
  • Intro to Netflix Mind Explained: Memory video & discussion
  • Memory Games trailer video & discussion
  • Unit 7A.2 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7A.2
  • Memory Capacity Demo 2: Echoic Memory: Teacher reads list of numbers, students write numbers. Grade, list results, discuss results, discuss the terms chunking, echoic memory, recall for digits is better than for random letters.
  • Memory Capacity Demo 3: Iconic Memory: List a number on the board, tell students to look at it and try to memorize it. Then test them. If they are good at chunking and finding patterns, they'll know the numbers just go up by 3 and 4 and 3 and 4, over and over and will actually be able to get the number. Discuss limits and advantages of working memory and chunking.​
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Monday, November 25th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7A.2 p265-274

In Class Thursday, November 29th - Unit 7A.1 Memory, Information Processing, Encoding:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 7A.1 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, and Q&A on Unit 7A.1
  • All-purpose Memory Demo

HW Due Thursday, November 21st:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 7A.1 p255-265

In Class Tuesday, November 19th - Unit 6 Test:
  • Review Operant Conditioning by sharing our Unit 6.2 School Rules Project
  • Reminder of our FRQ Tips
  • Take the Unit 6 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 6 Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback

HW Due Tuesday, November 19th:
  • Unit 6 School RulesOperant Conditioning Project
  • Unit 5 & 6 Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1-4 & 9 Vocab, too
  • Unit 5 & 6 Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1-4 & 9 review questions, too

In Class Friday, November 15th - Unit 6 Wrap-up, Review, & Exam Prep:
  • Learn requirements for Unit 6 School Rules Operant Conditioning Project
  • Work individually on project, consult with team members a few times throughout
  • Review Classical Conditioning - make up a real world example of classical conditioning and design posters with partners
  • Results of intrinsic vs. extrinsic survey discussion
  • Complete Unit 6 Activity packets
  • Bobo Doll experiment video & discussionThe Office Classical Conditioning video & discussion

HW Due Friday, November 15th:
  • Unit 6.2 Activity Packet - back page (page 4)
  • Unit 6.3 Activity Packet - front page (page 1)
  • Bring back Survey we took Monday

In Class Wednesday, November 13th - Unit 6.1 Classical & 6.2 Operant Conditioning Review, Intro to 6.3 Learning By Observation:
  • Nana the Border Collie (shaping & successive approximations) video & discussion - must use any and all terms from Unit 6.2 that apply to the video in our discussion
  • Solve Unit 6.2 Operant Conditioning (Find Someone Who) and Schedules of Reinforcement (RallyTable Consensus) worksheet problems
  • Unit 6.3 Activities sheet in assigned groups.
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Wednesday, November 13th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 6.3 p242-end
  • Bring back Survey we took last class

In Class Monday, November 11th - Unit 6.2 Operant Conditioning:
  • Quiz
  • Intrinsic vs. extrinsic survey
  • Operant conditioning activity with student volunteers in our teams - hot or cold game to train a student to perform an odd task
  • Unit 6.2 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 6.2

HW Due Monday, November 11th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 6.2 p228-241

In Class Thursday, November 7th - Unit 6.1 Learning & Classical Conditioning:
  • Intro to Classical Conditioning: Jaws classical conditioning demo & discussion
  • Unit 6.1 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 6.1
  • Classically condition the class with lemon powder and a bell: US: lemon powder, UR: reaction to sour taste. NS: bell. CS: bell. CR: reaction to sour taste. Pair the NS and US 20 times then see if NS becomes CS eventually. Discuss results.
  • Classical Conditioning water bottle spray demo with student volunteer. Write and discuss results.
  • Classical Conditioning Office clip video & discussion
  • Learned Helplessness demo & discussion
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Thursday, November 7th:
  • Finish playing Mouse Party and filling out the worksheet
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 6.1 p215-227

In Class Tuesday, November 5th - Unit 5.3 Drugs & Influences on Drugs:
  • Unit 5.2 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 5.2
  • Play Mouse Party and fill out worksheet
  • Sleep review - write a morning announcement with sleep improvement tips in pairs, directions given out in class. Share with other pairs when finished.
  • Drugs Socratic Seminar / Harkness Table activity in teams, directions given out in class.

HW Due Tuesday, November 5th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 5.3 p201-end
  • UNIT 5.2 Activities Packet

In Class Friday, November 1st - Unit 5.2 Dreams & Drugs:
  • Unit 5.2 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 5.2
  • Dream journal analysis & discussion in small groups, discuss manifest vs. latent content

HW Due Friday, November 1st:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 5.2 p187-192 and 197-201 (skip hypnosis)
  • DUE EVERYDAY: Keep a dream journal each morning when you wake up

In Class Wednesday, October 30th - Unit 5.1 Stages of Sleep & Sleep Disorders:
  • Sleep Debt Quiz from text book p183, discuss results
  • Unit 5.1 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 5.1
  • Skeeter the Narcoleptic Poodle video & discussion
  • Sleep disorders videos and discussion (sleep apnea, night terrors, etc)
  • ​Exit Slip

HW Due Wednesday, October 30th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 5.1 p175-187
  • DUE EVERYDAY: Keep a dream journal each morning when you wake up

In Class Monday, October 28th - Unit 4 Test:
  • Take the Unit 4 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 4 Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback​
  • Review Unit 4: View more of the face blindness video

HW Due Monday, October 28th:
  • All Unit 4 Activities Packets
  • Unit 4 Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1&2, Unit 3ABC, & Unit 9 Vocab, too
  • Unit 4 Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1&2, Unit 3ABC, & Unit 9 review questions, too

In Class Thursday, October 24th - Unit 4.5 Perceptual Interpretation & ESP:
  • Unit 4.5 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 4.5
  • Inversion Goggles - perceptual interpretation - activity & discussion
  • ESP telepathy demo & discussion
  • Perceptual Set experiment & discussion
  • Go over Unit 4.1 through 4.4 Activities packets and make sure we understand all major concepts. Discuss any remaining questions students have
  • McGurk Effect - sensory interaction - video & discussion
  • Lightness Constancy illusion video & discussion
  • Color Constancy illusion video & discussion
  • Perceptual Constancy - Aimes Room - video & discussion

HW Due Thursday, October 24th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 4.5 p159-end
  • Unit 9.4 Activities Packet #1-13
  • Volleyball players must check in early with note taking and get the Activities packet

In Class Tuesday, October 22nd - Unit 4.4 Smell & Perceptual Organization:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 4.4 Activities packet
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 4.4
  • ​Visual cliff & depth perception video & discussion
  • Touching 2 pens from side to center, binocular vs. monocular demo & discussion
  • Finger sausage binocular vs. monocular demo & discussion
  • Hiding faces with your thumb - retinal disparity - demo & discussion
  • Playing catch with an eyepatch on, binocular vs. monocular demo & discussion

HW Due Tuesday, October 22nd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 4.4 p148-159

In Class Friday, October 18th - Unit 4.3 Hearing, Taste, Touch:
  • Sensory Interaction - taste & smell - demo & discussion
  • Sensory Interaction - kinesthetics & vision - demo & discussion
  • Unit 4.3 Activities packet with assigned partner
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 4.3
  • Share out some of our real world examples from the Activities sheet and our Brain Break discussions
  • Bone-conducted sound - demo & discussion
  • Audio localization - stereophonic hearing - demo & discussion
  • Cochlear implant simulation video & discussion
  • Rubber Hand Illusion, sensory interaction (vision & touch) illusion demo & discussion
  • Pain is social video & discussion
  • Supertaster testing strip demo & discussion
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Friday, October 18th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 4.3 p133-148

In Class Wednesday, October 16th - Unit 4.2 Vision:
  • Color blindness test (dichromatic and monochromatic vision) demo and discussion
  • Quiz
  • Absolute threshold, difference threshold, jnd, Weber's Law video & discussion
  • Weber's Law - coins in envelopes vs. coins in shoes demo & discussion
  • Unit 4.2 Activities packet with assigned partner
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 4.2
  • Rods, cones, peripheral vision student volunteer demo and discussion
  • Blind spot demo and discussion
  • Afterimage effect (Opponent-process theory) demo and discussion
  • Face Blindness video & discussion

HW Due Wednesday, October 16th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 4.2 p124-133

In Class Monday, October 14th - Unit 4.1 Selective Attention & Thresholds:
  • ​Intro to Sensation & Perception - shocking illusion celebrity faces video & discussion
  • Unit 4.1 Activities sheet in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 4.1
  • Share out some of our real world examples from the Activities sheet and our Brain Break discussions
  • Inattentional Blindness - Monkey Business - video & discussion
  • Change Blindness person swap video & discussion
  • Volunteer performs ticking clock absolute threshold demo
  • Mosquito tone audio & discussion
  • Priming and subliminal messages Stairway to Heaven backwards audio & discussion​
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Monday, October 14th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 4.1 p115-124

In Class Thursday, October 10th - Unit 9 Test:
  • Share our Unit 9 Piaget Project Presentations in small groups
  • Take the Unit 9 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 9 Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback

HW Due Thursday, October 10th:
  • Unit 9 Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1&2, Unit 3ABC Vocab, too
  • Unit 9 Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1&2, Unit 3ABC review questions, too
  • Unit 9 Piaget Project Presentations

In Class Tuesday, October 8th - Unit 9 Review:
  • Go over Unit 9.1 through 9.3 Activities packets and make sure we understand all major concepts. Discuss any remaining questions students have
  • Directions for Unit 9.3 Piaget Project
  • Time to work on Piaget Project in our field trip groups
  • Review Erikson's stages through video, discussion, and filling in our Erikson chart on Unit 9.3 Activities packet

HW Due Tuesday, October 8th:
  • Finish Unit 9.4 and Unit 9.5 Activity Packets
  • Bring back your photos, videos, paperwork, notes, list of procedures, methods, results, etc. of your Piaget Field Trips

In Class Friday, October 4th - Unit 9.5 Social Development of Adulthood & Reflections on Development:
  • Unit 9.5 Activities Brain Break discussions in assigned groups
  • Unit 9.5 Activities packets in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 9.5
  • Share out some of our real world examples from the Activities packet and our Brain Break discussions
  • Finish final Brain Break discussions
  • Review our tips and techniques for conducting our demonstrations today
  • Conduct Piaget demonstrations on ECC students and then 5th grade students
  • Come back to class and continue working on our Unit 9.5 Activities packets

HW Due Friday, October 4th:
  • All props, materials, items, liquids, etc. for Piaget Demonstration Field Trips
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 9.5 p465-end

In Class Wednesday, October 2nd - Unit 9.4 Adulthood:
  • Get into our Piaget Field Trip groups, cover first 2 Brain Break questions on Unit 9.4 Activities packet
  • Complete the rest of the Unit 9.4 Activities packets
  • Check preparation for Piaget demonstrations, consult with groups, move in the right direction
  • Share out some of our real world examples from the Activities packet and our Brain Break discussions
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 9.4
  • ​​Cover tips and techniques for conducting our demonstrations next class
  • Exit Slip

HW Due Wednesday, October 2nd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 9.4 p455-465
  • Piaget Demonstration Field Trip 1 Plan/List for the Preoperational Stage
  • Piaget Demonstration Field Trip 2 Plan/List for the Concrete Operational Stage

In Class Monday, September 30th - Unit 9.3 Parents & Peers, Adolescence:
  • Quiz
  • Trolly dillema image, Heinz' Dillema video, and Kohlberg's stages of moral development discussion
  • Unit 9.3 Activities Brain Break discussion questions in assigned groups and then share out
  • Unit 9.3 Activities packets in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 9.3
  • Marshmallow Test (delayed gratification) video & discussion
  • Intro to Piaget Demonstration Field Trip 1 Preoperational Stage and Field Trip 2 Concrete Operational Stage, discuss requirements for next class and then for the field trips, and then the presentation/project the class after next
  • Piaget Field Trip Review viewing of Piaget demonstrations video

HW Due Monday, September 30th:
  • Piaget Demonstration Field Trip 1 Plan/List for the Preoperational Stage
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 9.3 p441-455

In Class Thursday, September 26th - Unit 9.2 Social & Gender Development
  • Quiz
  • The Strange Situation video & discussion of stranger anxiety and secure attachment
  • Harlow's Monkeys video & discussion of attachment and critical periods of social development
  • The Rouge Test video & discussion of self-concept
  • Unit 9.2 Activities Packet in assigned groups
  • Share out our Brain Break answers
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 9.2
  • Go over Project Corrections requirements

HW Due Thursday, September 26th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 9.2 p426-441
  • Unit 9.1 Activities Packet #1-14 only

In Class Tuesday, September 24th - Unit 9.1 Prenatal, Infant, & Child Development:
  • Unit 9.1 Activities Packet in assigned pairs
  • Share out our Brain Break answers
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 9.1
  • Describe our first ever life memory and list our age, share in pairs, Q&A on our first ever life memories, the content of the memories, the age level, infantile amnesia, and view memory project memories while discussing
  • Assimilation Accommodation mnemonic device
  • Piaget demonstrations video & discussion

HW Due Tuesday, September 24th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 9.1 p411-426

In Class Friday, September 20th - Unit 3ABC Test:
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron
  • Take the Unit 3ABC Test
  • Check completion of Unit 3ABC Vocab, checking that students brought all old Vocab, & give individual feedback​
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron

HW Due Friday, September 20th:
  • Unit 3ABC Vocab
    • ​MUST bring back Unit 1&2 Vocab, too
  • Unit 3ABC Test
    • ​There will be some Unit 1&2 review questions, too

In Class Wednesday, September 18th - Unit 3C.3 Evolutionary Psychology, Nature vs. Nurture:
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron
  • Share our Celebrity Brain Projects
  • Unit 3C.3 Activities packet in assigned pairs
  • Share out some of our real world examples from the Activities packet and our Brain Break discussions
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3C.3
  • Get out all of our Unit 3 Activities packets and go over missing material, relearn key concepts, finish up all of Unit 3AB&C lectures and discussions, etc.
  • Girl Living with Half Her Brain video & discussion on plasticity and lateralization
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron

HW Due Wednesday, September 18th:
  • Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Project
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3C.3 p105-110
  • ​Bring back all Activities packets for all of Unit 3

In Class Monday, September 16th - Unit 3C.2 Heritability & Evolutionary Psychology:
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron
  • Quiz
  • Peer grade the last 2 quizzes we took on the brain as a review
  • Time to work on Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Projects
  • Striking Similarities demo & discussion
  • Finish Unit 3B.3 & 3C.1 Activities packet in assigned pairs
  • Finish interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3B.3 & 3C.1
  • Brain Part Songs by Aaron

HW Due Monday, September 16th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3C.2 p100-105
  • Character choice for Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Project
  • Materials for building Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Project

In Class Wednesday, September 4th - Unit 3B.3 & Unit 3C.1 Consciousness & Behavior Genetics:
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron
  • Brain parts and functions quiz
  • Unit 3B.3 & Unit 3C.1 Activities packet in assigned pairs
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3B.3 & 3C.1
  • Learn requirements for Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Projects​. View exemplar projects for creative inspiration
  • Time to work on Unit 3B Celebrity Brain Projects
  • Review of the split brain from Unit 3B.2:
    • Split brain demo: draw a square with the left hand and a circle with the right hand, then discuss the results
    • Joe the split brain patient video & discussion
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron

HW Due Wednesday, September 4th:
  • Closed-note quiz on Unit 3B, label & describe parts and functions of brain
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3B.3 p88-91 & Unit 3C.1 p94-100

​In Class Monday, September 2nd - Unit 3B.2Cerebral Cortex & Divided Brain:
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron
  • Quiz
  • Unit 3B.2 Activities packet in assigned pairs
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3B.2
  • Cerebral Cortex paper wrinkling demo & discussion
  • Monkey neural prosthetic video & discussion
  • Broca's aphasia video & discussion
  • Broca's aphasia recovery (plasticity & neurogenesis) video & discussion
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron

HW Due Monday, September 2nd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3B.2 p74-88

In Class Thursday, August 29th - Unit 3B.1 Methods of Studying the Brain & Older Brain Structures:
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron
  • Share the critical thinking questions from Unit 3A Activities Packet
  • Unit 3B.1 Activities packet in assigned pairs
  • The Unfixed Brain video & discussion
  • Brain Break small group discussions then share out
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3B.1
  • Exit Slip
  • Brain Parts Song by Aaron​

HW Due Thursday, August 29th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3B.1 p66-73

In Class Tuesday, August 27th - Unit 3A Neural Processing & The Endocrine System Day 2:
  • Neuron parts and functions quiz
  • Candy Neuron small group activity - directions & rubric given out in class
  • Candy Neuron Gallery Walk - go around, takes pictures, ask questions, enjoy our neurons
  • Continue interactive lecture, discussion, & Q&A on Unit 3A
  • Share mnemonic device for sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

HW Due Tuesday, August 27th:
  • Closed-note quiz on Unit 3A, label and describe parts and functions of neuron, nervous system, endocrine system
  • Bring a wide variety of many pieces of candy that resemble parts of the neuron (figures on p53 & p56) to build candy neurons

In Class Friday, August 23rd - Unit 3A Neural Processing & The Endocrine System:
  • Quiz
  • Unit 3A Activities Packet in assigned pairs
  • Phrenology on a volunteer
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 3A
  • Alyssa Axon & Dongeun Dendrite mnemonic device
  • Hand, shirt, sleeve, opposite elbow mnemonic device
  • Neuron conga line activity & discussion on sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons
  • Falling rule nervous demo & discussion on sensory neurons, interneurons, motor neurons
  • Neurons & toilets activity & discussion on neural activity
  • Remind students of HW - study for closed note label and function quiz on Unit 3A, and bring in wide variety of several different pieces of candy that resemble neuron vocab ​(figures on p53 & p56) to build candy neurons
  • Discuss Unit 1&2 Test Results
  • Learn requirements for Test Correction & Retake policy

HW Due Friday, August 23rd:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 3A p51-63

In Class Wednesday, August 21st - Unit 1&2 Test:
  • Go over FRQ Tips - CHUG SODAS
  • Take the Unit 1&2 Test
  • Check completion of Unit 1&2 Vocab & give individual feedback

HW Due Wednesday, August 21st:
  • Unit 1&2 Vocab​
  • Unit 1&2 Test

In Class Monday, August 19th - Unit 2.3 Statistics & Ethics:
  • Share critical thinking questions from our Activity Packets through Speed Dating
  • Unit 2.3 Activities Packet in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 2.3
  • Teacher will move around the room and check for understanding and give feedback on the Activity Packets
  • Human standard deviation of height demo and discussion (line up based on height from shortest to tallest and discuss the deviation we witness)

HW Due Monday, August 19th:
  • Finish Unit 1, Unit 2.1, and Unit 2.2 Activities Packets (finish all the activities packets we have worked on in class)

In Class Wednesday, August 15th - Unit 2.2 Correlation & Experimentation
  • Quiz in assigned pairs
  • Review: peer grade the last quiz in assigned pairs
  • Unit 2.2 Activities packets in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 2.2
  • Chocolate memory experiment demo & discussion

HW Due Thursday, August 15th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 2.3 p37-end of unit

In Class Tuesday, August 13th - Unit 2.1 Research Methods & Descriptive Methods:
  • Continue Unit 1 Interactive lecture & discussion
  • Finish Unit 1 Activities sheet with new partner
  • 7 Approaches of Psychology hand drawing mnemonic and discussion
  • Unit 2.1 Activities sheet in assigned groups
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 2.1
  • Operational Definition demo and discussion- Yearbook smiles - directions given out in class

HW Due Tuesday, August 13th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 2.2 p29-37

In Class Friday, August 9th - Unit 1 History & Approaches to Psychology:
  • Reminder of AP Exam date
  • Unit 1 Quiz
  • Unit 1 Activities sheet in assigned pairs
  • Interactive lecture, discussion, Q&A on Unit 1
  • Predicting Student Behavior demo / experiment & discussion
  • Diagnostic test results

HW Due Friday, August 9th:
  • Read, take notes, and make Vocab Note Cards for Unit 2.1 p19-29
  • Purchase Vocab Note Cards for the year
  • Signed student-parent syllabus form (last page of the syllabus)

​In Class Wednesday, August 7th - Course Intro:
  • Seating chart
  • Go the library for the text book
  • The summer assignment was reading, taking notes, and making Vocab Note Cards for Unit 1 p1-15. Students will take a diagnostic test on the reading
  • Fill out class questionnaire
  • Distribute Study Guides
  • Intro to Psychology True False Questionnaire with partner. Discuss results.
  • Discuss class routines, storage locations, room tour, nurse pass, art supplies, where to find the AP PSYCH Extras tray, etc.
  • Preview mrlipsky.com
  • Explain reading, note taking, and note cards
  • DistributeSyllabus, explain student-parent syllabus form

Course Calendar: The following is an approximate time frame for the lectures and activities for the class. It is subject to change and modification as the semester proceeds. Unit Month Tuesday Thursday 1 Jan 4 Course introduction, syllabus, mechanics and overview, website -Psychological Myths – Chapter 1 6 Chapter 1 – Abnormal Psychology. About half of adults experience at least one traumatic experience in their lifetime, but only about 1 in 10 women and 1 in 20 men develop PTSD symptoms. For some, suffering can lead to post-traumatic growth, including an increased appreciation of life, more meaningful relationships, changed priorities, and a richer spiritual life.

Unit Preview

Mental health workers label behavior psychologically disordered when it is deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) provides an authoritative classification scheme. Although diagnostic labels may facilitate communication and research, they can also bias our perception of people’s past and present behavior and unfairly stigmatize these individuals.

Unit 10 abnormal psychologymr volkmar

Those who suffer from an anxiety disorder may for no reason feel uncontrollably tense (generalized anxiety disorder), may suffer a brief episode of intense dread (panic disorder), may have a persistent irrational fear (phobia), or may be troubled by repetitive thoughts and actions (obsessive-compulsive disorder). Symptoms may also follow the experience of some traumatic
event (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Somatoform disorders are psychological disorders in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause. In dissociative disorders, conscious awareness becomes separated from previous memories, thoughts, and feelings. Those afflicted with a dissociative disorder may even have two or more distinct personalities.


Mood disorders include major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Current research on depression is exploring (1) genetic and biochemical influences and (2) cyclic self-defeating beliefs, learned helplessness, negative attributions, and aversive experiences.

The symptoms of schizophrenia include disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, and inappropriate emotions. Researchers have linked certain forms of schizophrenia to brain abnormalities. Studies also point to a genetic predisposition that may work in conjunction with environmental factors.

Personality disorders are characterized by inflexible and enduring behavior patterns that impair social functioning. The most common is the remorseless and fearless antisocial personality. The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health estimates that 26 percent of adult Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. National population surveys indicate that the rates of disorder vary across the world. Most who suffer from a disorder show the first symptoms by early adulthood. Poverty is clearly a predictor of mental illness.

Perspectives on Psychological Disorders


Psychological disorders consist of deviant, distressful, and dysfunctional behavior patterns. Mental health workers view psychological disorders as persistently harmful thoughts, feelings, and actions. Standards of deviant behavior vary by culture, context, and even time. For example, children once regarded as fidgety, distractible, and impulsive are now being diagnosed with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Critics question whether the label is being applied to healthy schoolchildren who, in more natural outdoor environments, would seem perfectly normal.

Although the proportion of children treated for the disorder has increased dramatically, the pervasiveness of the diagnosis depends in part on teacher referrals. Others counterargue that the more frequent diagnoses of ADHD reflect increased awareness of the disorder, particularly in those areas where the rates are highest.

The medical model assumes that psychological disorders are mental illnesses that need to be diagnosed on the basis of their symptoms and cured through therapy. Critics argue that psychological disorders may not reflect a deep internal problem but instead a difficulty in the person’s environment, in the person’s current interpretation of events, or in the person’s bad habits and poor social

Unit 10 Abnormal Psychologymr Volkmar's Course Pages Examples

Psychologists who reject the “sickness” idea typically contend that all behavior arises from the interaction of nature (genetic and physiological factors) and nurture (past and present experiences). The biopsychosocial approach assumes that disorders are influenced by genetic predispositions and physiological states, inner psychological dynamics, and social and cultural circumstances.

DSM-V-TR is a current authoritative scheme for classifying psychological disorders. DSM diagnoses were developed in coordination with the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). Most health insurance policies in North America require an ICD diagnosis before they will pay for therapy. The DSM describes various disorders and has high reliability. For example, two clinicians who are working independently and applying the guidelines are likely to reach the same diagnosis. As a complement to the DSM, some psychologists are offering a manual of human strengths and virtues (the “un-DSM”).

Unit 10 Abnormal Psychologymr Volkmar's Course Pages Page

Critics point out that labels can create preconceptions that bias our perceptions of people’s past and present behavior and unfairly stigmatize these individuals. Labels can also serve as selffulfilling prophecies. However, diagnostic labels help not only to describe a psychological disorder but also to enable mental health professionals to communicate about their cases, to comprehend
the underlying causes, and to discern effective treatment programs. The label insanity raises moral and ethical questions about how society should treat people who have disorders and have committed crimes.