Videosalamo World Geography

5 Themes of Geography for MongoliaBy Cadence Sneed

World Geography Test - Only 1% of People Can Ace This 73-Question Quiz! We carefully chose 73 countries/territories from the world and created this funny quiz. Please do not refer to Google Maps for help. Thus we could give you an accurate score. Home › Forums › Humor & Entertainment › The geography game! › Reply To: The geography game! September 16, 2011 7:22 pm at 7:22 pm #1203729 deiyezoogerMember Alamo (TX). World Geography Home Page These files were prepared by Bret Wallach for sections of GEOGRAPHY 2603 taught mostly online but occasionally in person at the University of Oklahoma, Norman 73019.

Mongolia's absolute location is: 46 degrees North latitude and 106 degrees East longitude. It is located between Russia and China
It takes approximately 22 hours and 50 minutes to fly from Cincinnati, Ohio to Mongolia
Mongolia is located in east-central Asia in the Northern Hemisphere
Most of Mongolia's upper region is covered with mountains while the middle of Mongolia is mostly covered with plains and valleys
The Gobi Desert has a mean temperature of approximately 37 degrees during the year with wind chills up to 140 kilometers per hour
This is what a rainy day would look like in Mongolia with less than an average of 7.6 inches of rain in a year. This makes Mongolia much different from most countries, along with it's main religion. Mongolians are often Buddhists or Shamanistic, as well as mostly speaking Khalka or Halhn languages
3 Theme of Geography: Human-Environment Interaction
Mongolians mainly use their land for herding and farming. Mongolians depend on the land to feed their animals so that they can use them for travel and food
Mongolians modify the environment and change the land by building items such as roads to travel along. Mongolians typically live near and travel near sources of water. However, as tradition follows, many Mongolian people leave their homes and move to a different location every 2 to 4 years

Videosalamo World Geography Definition

Mongolians have adapted to the environment by building stronger and warmer yurts
Walking in Mongolia is still common, but much less in very populated areas. Mostly in the larger locations, cars and vans are used. For exportation of goods, cashmere, animal products, coal, copper and animal products are commonly traded or sold to different countries.
You cannot walk to Mongolia, nor can you drive. The only way to get there from Cincinnati, Ohio is by flying via plane.
People may want to move to Mongolia because of it's spacious plains that are perfect for herding and farming. People may leave, however, due to the intense cold in some locations
The main language of the Mongolians is Mongolian. Their country is divided into a total of 21 provinces.
Mongolia has an incredibly unique culture and set of traditions. However, they are also similar to China in their large festivals and colorful clothing.
Mongols refer to themselves as Mongols, as we consider ourselves Americans. They are refered to this way in the news as well.

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Click at any of the pictures above or further down! The following list and links will also give a good first idea. More specifically:

  1. Information on countries and territories (including pictures with good legends and information on cultural issues)
  2. Use the experimental laboratory to explore countries and parameters
  3. Interactively visualize many aspects
  4. Stories for countries, often with many unique pictures
  5. Find out how one can easily support the serverand why and who should use it
  6. Consider pointers to some highlights before spending more time following all of the links above
  7. Information about the data sources used

What you should know about this project#

Global-Geography (GG) is a project with many international partners (individuals or institutions) as shown in the Global-Geography Consortium, GGC for short. Each person shown is either just participating as person or is representing some group or institution. It is part of the Austria-Forum.

Information can be viewed without registration, and anyone can contribute by sending information, comments or corrections by mail to office Please help us check the accuracy of information or contribute otherwise as is explained in detail under item (6) above. Note in passing that each country has a category 'Community contribution' where everyone can e.g. add the URL of a picture or video-clip of interest. The main difference of this geography server compared to others is that it not only provides numerical and cartographical information and allows to use the information interactively, but also offers information on cultural issues/cultural heritage and provides pictures (with extensive lengends) and stories typical for the country involved.

World Geography Video

  • This is explained in more detail in the main ideas behind this project.