Terminal Services In Windows 7

Windows 7 / Networking

In this section, we'll talk about setting up, configuring, and managing TS, Terminal Server,and the other TS role services except TS Licensing and Remote Desktop Connection, which will be discussed in later sections.

The solution: There is an easy way to activate or show the Hyper terminal in windows 7,8, 10. Just go to a computer that is still using Windows XP, then Copy the two files associated with hyper terminal, hypertrm.exe and hypertrm.dll. The location of files (in Windows XP): C: Program Files Windows NT hypertrm.exe. There is a new patch called Universal TermSrv Patch available for Windows 7 computers. Download the zipped file and extract the content onto your computer. There are 2 patch executable files, one for 32-bit and one for the 64-bit edition of Windows 7. Launch one that suits your operating system you want to patch. The lifeblood of Terminal Services is now called 'Remote Desktop Connection', which can be run by typing the following command into the 'Run' box of Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and 7: mstsc. Cool Fact: Although the program is now called Remote Desktop, the command is still mstsc because it means Microsoft Terminal Server Client, because it is used to connect to a Terminal Server.

Install the Terminal Services Roles

TS is a role that is installed from the Server Manager, while Terminal Server, TS Web Access,TS Licensing, TS Gateway, and TS Session Broker are all role services that you canseparately select while you are installing the TS role. TS Configuration and TS Managerare automatically installed with TS Services, while TS RemoteApp is automatically installed with Terminal Server.

NOTE: It is not recommended that you install TS on an Active Directory domain controller becauseit increases your security risks and, since TS uses a lot of computer resources, it degrades AD'sperformance. Running TS within an AD domain is needed for some of TS's functions, such as TSSession Broker, and provides added capabilities to others, such as TS Licensing.
NOTE: To install the TS role and the role services discussed here, if you have not already done so, youwill be told to also install Network Policy And Access Services, Web Server (IIS), and Windows ProcessActivation Service. The Add Roles Wizard will automatically lead you through those additional installations.
  1. If the Server Manager is not already open, click Start | Server Manager. In anycase, click Roles in the left pane of the Server Manager window and click Add Roles in the right pane.
  2. Click the role services that you want to install. For the sake of following thediscussion here, click Terminal Server, TS Session Broker (you must be in adomain), TS Gateway (click Add Required Features), and TS Web Access (click Add Required Role Services), and click Next.
  3. Read the note about the need to install any application you want to run with TS after installing TS and click Next.
  4. Read about Network Level Authentication and decide if you want to use it. Amajor factor is that it is available only with Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) 6.0,which is in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and can be downloadedfor Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1 or SP2, but it significantly enhances security. Click your choice and click Next.
  5. You are asked to determine the type of TS licensing you want to use. For thediscussion here, leave that decision to a later section in this tutorial. You have120 days to make the decision. Leave the default, Configure Later, selected and click Next.
  6. Add the users or user groups that will use TS by clicking Add, clickingAdvanced, clicking Find Now, double-clicking a user or group in the list, andclicking OK. Repeat this as you need. When you are ready, click Next.
  7. You are told that TS Gateway requires a certificate to use the Secure SocketsLayer (SSL) protocol to encrypt transmissions and you have three options fora certificate, two of which are discussed here:
    • If you have a certificate on the server already, click the first option; if thecertificate is in the Windows certificate store, it will be listed. Otherwise,click Import and follow the steps of the Certificate Import Wizard, clicking Next as needed.
    • If you don't have a certificate, click the second option, and a self-signed certificate will be created for you.
  8. Click Next. A TS connection authorization policy (TS CAP), which allowsusers to pass through a TS Gateway and access a network, and a TS resourceauthorization policy (TS RAP), which allows users to pass through a TSGateway and utilize particular computers running Terminal Server and otherresources, are explained. Click Now to create the policies now and click Next.
  9. Add the user groups that will use TS Gateway as described in Step 7 and click Next.
  10. Enter the name for your TS CAP, accept the default of using a password, andclick Next. Enter the name for your TS RAP, choose whether to use specificcomputer groups you select or all computers on the network, and click Next.
  11. If it is not already installed, read the introduction to Network Policy AndAccess Services and click Next. Accept the default of installing the Network Policy Server role service and click Next.
  12. Read the introduction to Web Server IIS and click Next. Accept the default role services that are checked and click Next.
  13. Review the roles and role services that will be installed to implement TS and itsservices. If you want to change anything, click Previous and make the change.When you are ready, click Install. The installation process will take a few minutes.
  14. Click Close, and click Yes to restart your computer. After restarting your roles,role services will be configured and you will be given a warning message thatTS Licensing is not installed and that you have 119 days to do that (the dayyou install it counts as the first day). When it is done, you will be told it was successful. Click Close.
    NOTE: The warning message that TS Licensing is not installed and that you have so many days to dothat will reappear every time you restart your computer. This is called 'nagware' and it is unfortunate that Microsoft is using it.
  15. Open Roles in the left column of the Server Manager and click TerminalServices. In the right pane, you should see three informational events that tellyou that your TS RAP, TS CAP, and certificate have been created; the system services that are running; and the role services that are installed.
TIP: Since there's no obvious way to tell which of the three informational events is which, you can select each and click Properties to find out.
NOTE: Remote Desktop Connection, although not installed by default on Windows Server 2008, isautomatically installed when you install TS. See 'Use Applications Server Mode' later in this tutorial.

In this tutorial:

We normally use Services.msc to start or stop or disable or enable any service. We can do the same from windows command line also using net and sc utilities. Below are commands for controlling the operation of a service.

Command to stop a service:

To start a service:

You need to have administrator privileges to run net start/stop commands. If you are just a normal user on the computer, you would get an error like below.

To disable a service:

To enable a service:

To make a service start automatically with system boot:

Note: Space is mandatory after ‘=’ in the above sc commands.

Enable Terminal Services In Windows 7


This SC command works on a Windows 7 machine and also on the down-level editions of Windows i.e Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista. Again, if you do not have administrator previliges you would get the below error.

Note that the service name is not the display name of a service. Each service is given a unique identification name which can be used with net or sc commands. For example, Remote procedure call (RPC) is the display name of the service. But the service name we need to use in the above commands is RpcSs.
So to start Remote procedure call service the command is:

These service names are listed below for each service. The first column shows the display name of a service and the second column shows the service name that should be used in net start or net stop or sc config commands.

Terminal Services Client Windows 7

Terminal Services In Windows 7

Terminal Services Windows 10 Pro

Display Name of the serviceServiceName which should be used with ‘net’ and ‘sc config’ commands.
Application Layer Gateway ServiceALG
Application ManagementAppMgmt
ASP.NET State Serviceaspnet_state
Windows AudioAudioSrv
Background Intelligent Transfer ServiceBITS
Computer BrowserBrowser
Bluetooth Support ServiceBthServ
Bluetooth Servicebtwdins
SMS Agent HostCcmExec
Indexing ServiceCiSvc
.NET Runtime Optimization Service v2.0.50727_X86clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32
COM+ System ApplicationCOMSysApp
Cryptographic ServicesCryptSvc
Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN ServiceCVPND
DCOM Server Process LauncherDcomLaunch
DHCP ClientDhcp
Logical Disk Manager Administrative Servicedmadmin
Logical Disk Managerdmserver
DNS ClientDnscache
Lenovo Doze Mode ServiceDozeSvc
Error Reporting ServiceERSvc
Event LogEventlog
COM+ Event SystemEventSystem
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event LogEvtEng
Fast User Switching CompatibilityFastUserSwitchingCompatibility
Windows Presentation Foundation Font Cache
Group Policy MonitorGPMON_SRV
Help and Supporthelpsvc
HID Input ServiceHidServ
ThinkPad PM ServiceIBMPMSVC
Windows CardSpaceidsvc
IMAPI CD-Burning COM ServiceImapiService
Lenovo Camera MuteLENOVO.CAMMUTE
Lenovo Microphone MuteLenovo.micmute
TCP/IP NetBIOS HelperLmHosts
Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Management ServiceLMS
McAfee Framework ServiceMcAfeeFramework
McAfee McShieldMcShield
McAfee Task ManagerMcTaskManager
Machine Debug ManagerMDM
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharingmnmsrvc
Distributed Transaction CoordinatorMSDTC
Windows InstallerMSIServer
Net Driver HPZ12Net Driver HPZ12
Network DDENetDDE
Network DDE DSDMNetDDEdsdm
Net LogonNetlogon
Network ConnectionsNetman
Net.Tcp Port Sharing ServiceNetTcpPortSharing
Network Location Awareness (NLA)Nla
NT LM Security Support ProviderNtLmSsp
Removable StorageNtmsSvc
Microsoft Office Diagnostics Serviceodserv
Office Source Engineose
Plug and PlayPlugPlay
Pml Driver HPZ12Pml Driver HPZ12
IPSEC ServicesPolicyAgent
Power Manager DBC ServicePower Manager DBC Service
Protected StorageProtectedStorage
Remote Access Auto Connection ManagerRasAuto
Remote Access Connection ManagerRasMan
Remote Desktop Help Session ManagerRDSessMgr
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry ServiceRegSrvc
Routing and Remote AccessRemoteAccess
Remote RegistryRemoteRegistry
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) LocatorRpcLocator
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)RpcSs
Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless WiFi ServiceS24EventMonitor
Security Accounts ManagerSamSs
Smart CardSCardSvr
Task SchedulerSchedule
Secondary Logonseclogon
System Event NotificationSENS
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)SharedAccess
Shell Hardware DetectionShellHWDetection
Print SpoolerSpooler
System Restore Servicesrservice
SSDP Discovery ServiceSSDPSRV
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)stisvc
System UpdateSUService
MS Software Shadow Copy ProviderSwPrv
Performance Logs and AlertsSysmonLog
Terminal ServicesTermService
ThinkVantage Registry Monitor ServiceThinkVantage Registry Monitor Service
On Screen DisplayTPHKSVC
Distributed Link Tracking ClientTrkWks
TVT SchedulerTVT Scheduler
Windows User Mode Driver FrameworkUMWdf
Intel(R) Management & Security Application User Notification ServiceUNS
Universal Plug and Play Device Hostupnphost
Uninterruptible Power SupplyUPS
Volume Shadow CopyVSS
Windows TimeW32Time
Windows Management Instrumentationwinmgmt
Portable Media Serial Number ServiceWmdmPmSN
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver ExtensionsWmi
WMI Performance AdapterWmiApSrv
Security Centerwscsvc
Automatic Updateswuauserv
SMS Remote Control AgentWuser32
Wireless Zero ConfigurationWZCSVC
Network Provisioning Servicexmlprov